Detailed instructions for submission

It is recommended that all authors read the following instructions throughout before submitting their papers.

Method and format of submission

HTML The preferred format is HTML with links to images already arranged. In essence, we expect a ready made WWW publication. File names should be in lower case (home.htm, not HOME.HTM)

Word processor format. Submissions will also be accepted in the original word processor format for conversion to HTML by the conference editors. In the case of manuscripts in Word Processor format, graphics can be inserted by saving the image as a windows meta file (for example) and using the insert/picture command at the appropriate point in the text.


How to submit

FTP. (the preferred method). Use the site Send an e-mail to asking for the current password arrangements for using ftp. Create a directory with your surname, be careful to put your files in this directory only. Send an e-mail to confirm that you have sent a contribution.


e-mail By "attaching" a binary Word Processor file to an electronic mail message sent to The binary file should be "uuencoded" (Windows) or "binhex" (Macintosh). A suitable program which can perform this encoding automatically is Eudora, available for Windows and Macintosh computers.


Regular Mail. As a collection of binary Word Processor or HTML files written to a 3.5" 720K, 800K or 1.4 MByte DOS or Macintosh formatted disk and sent by regular post to Dr Paul Heelis.


The editor will be happy to provide advice, if problems are encountered in submitting papers.

No submissions on paper will accepted.

Submission by e-mail to Dr Paul Heelis (

Submission by post

Dr Paul Heelis
Schhol of Science and Technology
North East Wales Institute, PP19
Mold Rd
LL11 2AW
Tel +44 1978 293004
Fax +44 1978 290008

Style notes

Any reasonable arrangement of the various sections of the paper will be acceptable. However, a typical arrangement would be as follows, title, authors affiliation, abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusion, acknowledgments, references. The official logo of the institute may also be included above the title, but should not be intrusive.

The use of colour in graphs and figures is actively encouraged and is indeed a major advantage of the internet medium, but authors are urged to exercise the restraint appropriate to a scientific journal. For example, heading and subheadings may be in a different colour to the main text (black). The highlighting of sections with (for example) small images, is acceptable, but the use of background wallpaper or flashy special effects is not.

However, it should be remembered that subtle effects such as shading may look impressive on a hi-res 21 inch monitor, but would be completely lost on 14 inch monitor with just 16 colours.
In addition large image files which may be slow to download should be avoided.


Reference lists should be divided into 2 sections,
a) Conventional references to paper journals. These can be cited in any style e.g.[1,2,3].
b) A separate list of references to electronic media e.g. WWW is required and should be cited as [E1,E2,E3.....].

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